Does your child feel left out during online classes? How can you help?

During and post-pandemic the social scene has changed. It is the online interactions that kept us going. The classrooms as we knew them have transformed into virtual ones. These days, there are a lot of online classes taking advantage of this change. In virtual classes, the topics could be taught in the most interactive and simplified ways with the incorporation of media.
But children are children. They normally have a short attention span and are easily distracted. Most of the time these children, when in online classes, feel left out as they may not connect well with the teacher or find it difficult to stay focused. Is your child going through this phase? Are you concerned about their future? Then there are things you need to understand and act upon first.
Virtual reality is the future. Online social interaction is the next thing to be comfortable with. Your kids are learning it from the start. You need them to be more adjusted to the situation and learn on their own. If the one-on-one interaction in an online classroom does not bring confidence in your child, then you must take charge and be by their side during class. Help them focus by keeping away distractions. Just be there until they are ready.
There are a few things you could do to help:
Your presence matters
If your child is aged between 3 and 4 years, it may help them focus and boost their confidence that they are not alone. Your presence will kill any monotony that they may feel. Their feeling of being left out is also under check. All you need to do is sit next to them.
In case, they are a little older, you need to back off and let them bond with the teacher and try to stand up on their own.
Start with one-on-one classes
Initially, your child can be scheduled to attend one-on-one classes. This will boost their confidence and help them develop a bond with the teacher. Later, it could be moved to a classroom with other students in it. This is an effective technique in building up the child’s morale and making them used to the online environment.
Create an online study group
This routine can change the idea of learning for your kids, let them spend time online and get used to virtual friends. This will give them the simulation of physical interaction with other kids. Let all of them be together online and study or discuss things they like. This will get them all comfortable being online. It will subside the social isolation anxiety.
Allot a lot of free time after class
Allotting a lot of free time will help them cope with their hyperactivity by investing a lot of energy into something fun. This will kill their restlessness during class and it is a perfect reward for their hard work. During their free time, give them tasks that they love doing. This will encourage them to be more involved in their work at hand.
Talk to them more often about class
Talking about class more often will help them recollect topics taught during class. This will help them recall things with ease. Learning needs to be made easy. Be their informal second teacher. It will be learning while playing.
Interact with teachers if needed
Talk to the teachers about your child, and inform them about how your child is feeling left out. Help them understand your child better. Give suggestions if you have any.
Create a balance between online and offline classes
If there are online classes on a stretch, your child might feel stressed and isolated. One way is to mix it with offline classes. Let the child get acquainted with the teachers and their classmates. This will take away any awkwardness your child may feel in the class.
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