How Tutors Should Adapt Their Language for Kids

As a tutor or a parent, teaching children new things is one of the most rewarding experiences, but teaching a new language can be the ultimate challenge because language is unlike any other subject! Unlike math, science, or other subjects, the definitive lines of language are harder to find because it's a mode of communication. There are grammatical rules, ways of writing and pronouncing, and another million little things to teach about when you teach a language. You are not really ‘teaching’ a subject when you help a child learn a language; it is more like teaching how to use a tool effectively!
So how do we successfully teach our children to adapt to a new language?
At Akshharam Online Malayalam Learning School, we aim to help our little ones learn Malayalam with our interactive and instructive online classes, and in this article, we are going to tackle the subject of how tutors can help kids adapt to a new language.
Teaching strategies
We know for a fact that every child is unique and special, so using one simple, plain method to teach everyone is not feasible. So what do teachers do? They follow certain teaching strategies and principles and improvise on them according to the group of children they are teaching. Here we will have a closer look into some of those teaching strategies to help our kids adapt to Malayalam with ease.
UDL strategy
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a teaching approach that aims to remove barriers to learning by using various methods that can be adjusted for each child's strengths and needs. Unlike traditional methods, UDL is not about finding one way to teach all students but rather a flexible approach that benefits everyone. UDL also seeks new strategies to keep the children motivated.
UDL in general is a framework for creating lesson plans and assessments based on three main principles, which are engagement, representation, and action and expression. Engagement involves motivating learners through free choices, assignments that are relevant to their lives, and creating opportunities for movement. Representation offers information in multiple formats, such as worksheets, audio, videos, and hands-on learning. Action and expression allow learners to interact with the material and demonstrate their knowledge through various methods, such as taking tests, oral reports, and group projects. Through these principles, UDL helps tutors create engaging and effective lesson plans and assessments for students.
Multisensory instructions
Multisensory instruction, as the name suggests, is a method of teaching that involves more than one sense at a time. The senses could range from hearing and sight to movement, touch, and taste. Multisensory lessons are beneficial for all children; when children learn something through more than one sense, whatever the information, it is more likely to stick. The result is improved memory skills and better comprehension.
Pause for a bit!
Have you ever heard your name called out in class immediately after the teacher asked a question? What was your reaction? Panic and incoherent thoughts and an answer that isn't well thought out, right? But what if the teacher paused for a while after asking the question to give you some time to think? This little "wait time" is a three- to seven-second delay following a teacher's statement or question.
Rather than calling on the first kids who raise their hands or picking someone immediately to answer the question, the teacher will pause for a bit and wait. This method will avoid the rapid-fire-like questioning that startles the children and provide a while for the children to comprehend the question and form a response in their minds.
Children don't learn simply because they are told to do so. But have you ever noticed how fast they copy the things we do? So to teach these little 'copycats', teachers use a technique called
‘I do, we do, you do’. The teacher models first (I do), for example, the pronunciation of a word; after that, the children and teacher pronounce the word together (we do), and then the children pronounce it independently (you do). This strategy not only increases confidence but also assures that what they learn is deeply embedded in the learner's psyche.
Visual aids
Even more than auditory tools, visual aids influence us more and linger in our memory. It is no different in the case of kids. Visual aids not only help children understand but also help them recall a rule with an image in mind. Using visual aids to teach is an excellent practice, especially for young children, because it will stimulate their imagination and improve their understanding.
Study buddy
In schools, we are accustomed to big classes with a lot of children, and certain subjects are more fun and easy to learn when taught in large groups. But when it comes to language, a smaller group, preferably a study buddy and tutor, is the dream team! The tutor can provide the right guidance, and the children can practice and improve each other in all aspects of the language.
Malayalam: sugar and spice, and everything nice!
If Malayalam is your mother tongue, it's understandable that you want to pass it on to your children. But teaching Malayalam at home might not be as sweet as it sounds, right?
But at Akshharam Malayalam language learning school online, we will make it ‘sugar and spice, and everything nice’ for your little ones. Akshharam provides a variety of programmes aimed at helping your child learn Malayalam effectively. Especially our Vaayanashaala sessions: Malayalam language reading class online will transform your child’s comprehension levels and appreciation for Malayalam.
The beauty of learning a new language, in this instance, Malayalam, is developing a strong connection with your peers and the language itself, which results in unlocking a profound understanding of the culture and history that sustains it. Whether your child is just starting out or already advanced in Malayalam, we have a class to meet their needs. Reach out to us to learn more.